
Analyzing Provincial Minimum Wage (UMR) in Indonesia: 1997-2024 Period Using Power BI

Analyzing Provincial Minimum Wage (UMR) in Indonesia: 1997-2024 Period Using Power BI

The Minimum Wage (UMR) in Indonesia is a crucial indicator of economic conditions and labor standards across the archipelago. Analyzing the trends and changes in provincial UMR from 1997 to 2024 provides valuable insights into the country’s economic development and labor market dynamics. Leveraging Power BI, a powerful business analytics tool, we can visualize and interpret these trends effectively.

### Understanding Minimum Wage in Indonesia

The Minimum Wage in Indonesia is set by provincial governments annually, taking into account various factors such as inflation, cost of living, and economic growth. It serves as the baseline income for workers, ensuring fair compensation and improving living standards.

### Data Collection and Preparation

To conduct our analysis, we collected historical UMR data for Indonesian provinces spanning from 1997 to 2024. This dataset includes information such as the province name, year, and UMR value. We then imported this data into Power BI for visualization and analysis.

### Visualizing UMR Trends

Using Power BI’s versatile visualization capabilities, we created interactive charts and graphs to illustrate UMR trends over the specified period. Key visualizations include:

1. **Time Series Analysis**: A line chart showing the UMR trends over time, allowing us to observe overall patterns and fluctuations.

2. **Regional Comparison**: A bar chart comparing UMR across different provinces for selected years, highlighting regional disparities and trends.

3. **Annual Growth Rate**: A trend line chart depicting the annual growth rate of UMR for each province, indicating the pace of change in wages over time.

### Insights and Analysis

Through our analysis, several insights emerge:

1. **Overall Growth**: We observe a general upward trend in UMR across most provinces over the analyzed period, reflecting economic growth and inflationary pressures.

2. **Regional Disparities**: While UMR has increased nationwide, significant disparities exist between provinces, with some regions experiencing higher wage growth than others.

3. **Impact of Economic Events**: Certain years may exhibit notable changes in UMR due to economic events such as financial crises, government policies, or natural disasters. These events influence wage dynamics at both national and provincial levels.

### Utilizing Power BI Features

Power BI’s features enhance our analysis in several ways:

1. **Interactivity**: Users can interact with visualizations, filter data by province or year, and drill down into specific details, facilitating deeper exploration and understanding.

2. **Data Modeling**: Power BI’s data modeling capabilities enable us to create calculated measures, perform statistical analysis, and derive meaningful insights from complex datasets.

3. **Presentation**: The ability to create dynamic dashboards and reports in Power BI enhances the presentation of our findings, making it easier to communicate results to stakeholders.

### Conclusion

Analyzing the Minimum Wage trends in Indonesian provinces from 1997 to 2024 using Power BI provides valuable insights into the country’s economic landscape and labor market dynamics. By visualizing and interpreting UMR data, policymakers, researchers, and businesses can better understand wage trends, address regional disparities, and formulate informed strategies for promoting economic growth and social welfare.

In conclusion, leveraging Power BI’s analytical capabilities offers a powerful approach to understanding complex economic phenomena and driving data-driven decision-making in diverse contexts.

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